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Anti Fatigue - Foam Fusion (see More Information)

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Product Information
CONSTRUCTION: Upper: (PVC) Vinyl Lower: (PVC) Vinyl Foam
FACE STYLE: Diamond Plate
TOTAL WEIGHT: 1.4 lbs./sq. ft.
THICKNESS: 5/8 in.
LENGTHS: Up to 75 ft.
WIDTHS: 2 ft., 3 ft. or 4 ft.
EDGING: Tapered
APPLICATION: Dry - Medium to Heavy


2 ft. x 3 ft. Black $72.25
3 ft. x 5 ft. Black $180.65
2 ft. Roll*/Cut Black call
3 ft. Roll*/Cut Black call
4 ft. Roll*/Cut Black call
* Roll Lengths 75 ft. +/- call


2 ft. x 3 ft. Black/Yellow $78.50
3 ft. x 5 ft. Black/Yellow $196.30
2 ft. Roll*/Cut Black/Yellow call
3 ft. Roll*/Cut Black/Yellow call
4 ft. Roll*/Cut Black/Yellow call
* Roll Lengths 75 ft. +/- call


Product Swatches

22 Black
22 Black
97 Black/Yellow
97 Black/Yellow