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Powered and Manual Sweepers
Kleen Sweep® 35
A walk-behind, power sweeper, the Kleen Sweep® 35 reduces maintenance time and cost. The Kleen Sweep® 35 can sweep up to 55,440 square feet per hour.

Kleen Sweep 45
The Kleen Sweep 45 is a compact ride-on sweeper designed for sweeping in narrow spaces. It also guarantees the cleaning of large areas in total operator comfort with speed and efficiency.

Kleen Sweep® 27
The Kleen Sweep® 27 is ideal for machine shops, stockrooms, parks, small yards, parking areas and loading ramps. It sweeps five to seven times faster than manual sweeping and can clean up to 31,000 square feet per hour.

For more information or a demonstration, contact John McGrath at

Toll Free
(613) 962-0437
(613) 548-4843

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